Macintosh statistical software

What statistics software for Macintosh computers (Macs) works in Sonoma... and on M1 processors?

Updated April 2024. See free and open-source Mac statistics software

Apple’s Mac system updates tend to leave software behind. Years after 64-bit and signed software became important, nearly all active software complies with the rules. It is still optional to have signed software, so you won’t see a scary “unidentified developer” message.

Acastat and Clarity: 64-bit, signed

DataDesk: 64-bit, signed

DataGraph: 64-bit, signed

Easy Chi-Square Calculator: Mojave safe, 64-bit, signed

Gauss: 64-bit

G*Power: 64-bit, signed.

Jamovi: 64-bit, signed

JASP: 64-bit, signed

JMP: 64-bit, signed

Kaleidagraph: 64-bit, signed.

MathStatica: Runs on whatever Mathematica runs. Mathematica’s site does not mention Mojave.

PAST: Mojave/Catalina safe, 64-bit, but unsigned

Prism: 64-bit

PSPP: Unsigned binary; 64-bit. Source code, MacPorts, and Homebrew versions are available so you can build it yourself if needed.

R (CRAN): 64-bit, signed

Regress+: 64-bit, signed

SageMath: 64-bit. Have not tested for signing (it's 3.5 GB); not listed on site.

SOFA: Unsigned but 64-bit; no new release since well before Mojave was launched. The Sofa people posted a note saying they need help packaging 1.5 for the Mac—in May 2019. (This note was added in December 2020 but checked and is still current in 2024!) In short, it may be best to look somewhere else.

SPSS: 64-bit, signed (as of version 25)

Stata: 64-bit, signed

StatCalc (from Acastat): 64-bit, signed

Wizard: 64-bit, signed

Wizard 2: signed, 64-bit, M1 and Intel safe

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